
how i work

When can we say that a therapeutic result is satisfying? How can we establish the effectiveness of a psychotherapy? How many ways are there to conduct a psychotherapy? Can we say that certain school therapeutic guidelines are more effective than others?

Immagine di una coppia

These questions open important and essential proposal of therapeutic solutions. By using suitable psychotherapic techniques you will be able to:

  • Resolve the state of emotive tensions; sleeping disorders;
  • Face depression, loss of interest or of pleasure for almost all activities;
  • Control and eliminate intense fear (attacks of panic) when you feel on the point of death, to lose control, to have an heart attack or ictus or on the brink of madness;
  • Overcome anxiety which typically establishes pervasive avoidance of different situations (agoraphobia): to be outside alone or to be alone at home; to be in a crowd, to travel by car, by bus or plane; or to be on a bridge or in a lift;
  • Immagine di un giovane coppia
    Learn to cope with and then to eliminate the repetitive thoughts and doubts, the necessity to have things in a particular order, the aggressive impulses; repetitive behaviour (handwashing, tidying up, controlling ) mental actions ( counting, word repeating) with the objective to reduce anxiety or uncomfortableness;
  • Cure the syntoms which are shown in the body, deriving from the emotional state of discomfort;
  • Face and resolve conflicts in the couple and to improve the relationship with the partner.

To have further information about my theoric or practical guidelines,
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