
with whom i work

Immagine di un giovane coppia

I work with those who live professional situations in an international contexts ; journalists, diplomats, experts in political matters, sociologists interested in the contents in methods of analysis and theoretical considerations as regards to the cross – cultural pragmatics.

In a situation of negative communication, negotiation fails, even if there were all the favourable conditions. You have found yourself in the situation to be obliged to tolerate differences which you do not intend to accept or to respect differences which return to the various stories of the different cultures. Other times, knowing and understanding others, you have put in discussion the cultural models with which you have grown up.

  • You have asked yourself how you can habituate your behaviour in a way to enter in harmony with people who belong to diverse culture.
  • Your verbal language, posture, gesture, facial expression, the tone and the volume of the voice can irritate involuntary the foreigner
  • How can we avoid presenting ourselves in an incorrect and unpleasant way in order not to create misunderstandings or misinterpretations?
  • Does entering a cross cultural perspective mean casting aside one’s values and absorbing those of the other country? Or does it mean assimilating those of the foreign group which holds the majority of shares of the company where you work?

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L’obiettivo formativo di questo corso,
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Si tratta di una