

The daily duties require more and more time. That often brings to sacrify something  important in life in order to respect these obligations.

Immagine di giovane manager

In the long run, the price to pay is too high. Besides “doing”, it is necessary for you “to be able to be”.

The secret of “being able to be” is creating a well – balanced and a sound existence. A life where every area – job, family, friends – generates synergy with others. All this is possible.

  • Do you realize you are not determined in pursuing your targets?
  • Do you wish to accelerate decision taking?
  • Do you wish to uncover and make full use of your resources?
  • How fit and healthy are you?
  • Are you in good form?
  • How are your inter-relationships?
  • Are you aften in conflict with others?
  • Are you completely pleased with your work?
  • Have you sufficient time to do what you wish?
It is not important for you to say: “I would like my life to be better”. For many people the place they wish to reach (the desired situation) is anything but evident and unequivocal.

Helping to clear up, to understanding exactly where you wish to go is one of the tasks of the Coaching. “Where do you want to go?” This is the key – question witch sustains the professional rapport between the Coach and his client.


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