
How i work

Immagine di un coach

More awareness of what happens within us allows us to put in act behaviours more suitable and to avoid the sense of confusion which often results in an only partial knowledge of our interior dynamics.

  • Which are opinions and consolidate beliefs that cause your way of acting and interacting with others?
  • Are these potentiating or depotentiating beliefs?
  • May some of your beliefs be changed?
  • Which benefits would you have for you from these changes?

On the way of improving and growing you will be able to:

  • Define your aims (“what”);
  • Understand your motivations, your beliefs and your values (“Way”);
  • Create a plan of actions (“How”);
  • Monitor transformation of your objectives into results.

In short the Coach:

  • Helps the client to know who he is
  • To want what he wants
  • To know what he wants
  • To know what he wants is possible
  • To organize better his resources
  • To comprehend what is blocking him at the moment.
  • To outline a personalized strategy to achieve what he really wishes.

The Coach helps the client to operate on the profound reasons of what he wants to attain.

Immagine di un giovane coppia

For this purpose, the rapport between Coach and client passes through a cognitive initial stage in which the obstacles come to the surface without impediments and with immediate transparency.

These obstacles have been barring the free expression of energies and creativity of the client until that moment. In other words, they can identify together the areas where it is necessary to act in order to find enthusiasm, strength, efficiency and the capability to transform the reality.

The coaching is a new way, different from che training and from the therapy, and implies a relationship of strong confidence and faithful cooperation between Coach and coachee, to be successful.

The duration of a course of Coaching dipends on the goals which clients want to persue. It is sufficient one, or two sessions at the most, in order to be helped to menage a pinpointed situation, to make up your mind or to work on specific objectives and projects.

Generally the sessions take place every fifteen days at the beginning of the course, and then every month or every three months, when there is a yearly plan.

The frequency, the duration and the ways of intervention change, due to the variation of the wanted objectives and of the distinct requests of each single client.


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