

No wind is propitious To the helmsman who cannot where Command its sails

I set up a relationship of confidence with the client through a careful listening in an individual encounter, one to one. I put him at his ease and help him to reflect. I let him reorder his thoughts, without agreeing or disagreeing and, over all, without judging. By listening, I try to grasp beliefs, values and typical features of the identity of the person and the mental patterns revealed by his language.

Immagine di un giovane coppia

In this way the Coach is only he who makes it easier, and valorizes, supports, co-operates, sustains, directs, encourages, and helps you to identify resources and rapidly arouses energies.

Are you the person who chooses to follow a certain way and are you the real hero and creator of destiny.

The Coach listens to you in a “special” way, in order to identify strong points and areas to improve and to comprehend your “vision”. He comes into contact with the most authentic part of your aspirations and intentions, acting as a “resonance box”, so you can also see them.

He asks you aimed questions to help you to reflect and find answers by yourself, being always aware of fundamental goals and pushing you forward steadfastly and courageously.

Only acting can we touch our dreams, savour the perfume and reality just imaginable, perceive beaty, light, colours and sounds. Only putting our desires in actions, can they acquire sense and grounds to spur us on!

If you wish to examine thoroughly the topic, finding an aid in the moments  of “challenge and personal growth” you can approach resources put at your disposal, what you wish: books, articles etcetera…..

For further information on Coaching clicK HERE

I help people to uncover their limiting beliefs and to develop potentiating beliefs, I support their identity and aid their “awakening”, I prepare them to outline goals and to do their utmost to reach them.

The cases presented testify the courage in the difficulties and in facing the challenges of life. The resources (values, skills, behavioural competence, activities etcetera) which people draw from themselves, help them to push forward to the territory of a new life, they grow and evolve. Thus, they show they are able to tackle the complexity, the uncertainty and the resistence.

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