
with whom i work

I work with those who live clashing situations in a company, family and relationships sphere: entrepreneurs, managers (marketing, sales, purchasing, administrative, personal, export manager) free lance, politicians, trade–unionists, social workers.

Immagine di giovane manager

You can transact a business deal with tough customers or hard suppliers.

You have to negotiate trade union agreements or to settle clashing situations. You need to purchase a house or you have to discuss with bank loan or to settle a difficult business deal. You know perfectly your product and its technical applications, but at the end of the day you find it is difficult to sell it. The negotiation is a fundamental means to reach the aims pre –established. It is a two – way communication, which intends to reach an agreement, when you and your counter – party have conflicts of interests.

How can we develop and keep up relationships of co-operation in contexts such as work, family, couple and friends?

People who address me live frequently the following situations:

  • Difficulties in determining client target.
  • Hindrances in the negotiation with the counter – party.
  • Loss of control of the situation during the sales – process.
  • Block in communicating with effectiveness and emotional understanding.
  • Problems in facing client’s objections.

Immagine di un giovane coppia

What sales agent are you?
You don’t sell products or services, but you offer solutions.

Today, to be able to sell means to be able to manage and master the most important rational and emotional aspects which occur during the communication.

Everybody negotiates something every day: we argue and debate at work, at home, to buy or sell property and goods.


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