
how i work

In the psychodynamic model one asks: In which way the client relates with himself, with others and the therapist? His way to create these contacts, in fact, according to the psychoanalytic theory, reflects the relationships of the distant past with the parents and family members. This therapeutic work has the purpose to resolve the inconscious past conflicts connected to the sufferences and the most various of symptoms of the present.

Immagine di un giovane coppia

The psychoanalysis explores semantic aspects of communication, meanings, metaphors, symbols and above all thoughts rather than actions.

The insight is therefore the therapeutic pre-eminent instrument. Vice versa, strategic and systemic guideline is based on pragmatic and behavioural aspects, on the action rather than on the thought; therefore among the most important therapeutic instruments, specific behavioural directives (prescription) are used in order to modify other undesired behaviours. The therapeutist requests the client to define and decide which problem he wants to resolve and he examines the efforts to settle them already verified by the client and the surrounding significant people. The disappearance of symptoms is the only criterion to define the conclusion and the success of the therapy. Therefore the strategic therapist does not look into or examine the different strategic, systemic and individual features (motivation, imagination, thoughts, emotions), nor the past background of the client. Also the necessary time to conclude the therapy is longer in the psychodynamic method than in the strategic and systemic one, that usually do not go over ten sessions, in that, the emphasis is put exclusively on the solution of the present problems brought by the client.

Immagine di una famiglia

In the first method the time can be compared to the water of a great river which flows slowly to a rather distant sea, while the second is similar to a quick flowing stream, which sometimes undergoes sudden rapids and is directed to a nearby goal. The integration of these and other methods - without falling in a pure ecletism - consents us to operate at the origins or at the roots of the symptom and/or problem with a global vision, in a temporary outline which includes the past, present and future of the person. Among “integrated” models, which are part of the experiences presented in this context, the systemic – relationship therapy, the hypnosis therapy by Milton Erickson, the analytic psychology by Carl Gustav Jung, the psychosyntesis by Roberto Assagioli, the contributions from Neurolinguistic Programming are put in evidence and highlighted.

In the accomplishment of the project presented in this situation certain main points have been considered:

  • The synergy of various psychological and psychotherapic contributions avoid both the risks of gathering methods and techniques or of the sclerotizing orthodox school.
  • It consents to refer to guidelines to assume as containers utilizing the most suitable techniques, as well as the congruent cultural aspects.
  • At the same time it leaves the possibility of a progressive enlargement or enrichment and improve collaborative confrontation.

The reflexion on the referring models accompanies the detailed description of clinical cases, revived by dialogue.

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