
SERVIces & programs

Cooperation is not lack of conflict, but a means to manage conflict
Deborah Tannen

The variance arises when two or more parties think what a party wants is incompatible with the wishes of the other. Negotiating means achieving what you wish from the other in a perspective of mutual benefit. It is a bilateral communication, with the view to accomplishing an agreement when the two parties have some interests in common and other divergent.

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Negotiation is applied to a great deal of transactions evolving in two or more persons, or groups as desired and agreed satisfactorily by both parties.

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The capability of coordinating a negotiation can be directed according to precise reference paradigms and aims, training to manage in the  most difficult and adverse situations, and to achieve the best results.

Do you want to uncover the most sensational secret of sales? It is simple: to lead the sale how the client wants. How may we develop the suitable strategy for every type of client, and every type of products or service we wish to sell?

The Neurolinguistic Programming is an effective model to utilize in the sale and who puts it to use changes himself from seller into a precious and appreciated consultant that finds for himself a profit in encouraging trust.

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Every seller realizes that he will not conclude his sale if he cannot stimulate confidence from the beginning and if he cannot keep alive the motivation to buy. It is this particular attention to the needs and motivations of the client that will guide the analysis of the steps of sale. The affinity originates a sense of confidence.

The most important thing is, when it is a question of selling, the affinity will give rise to the situation where your potential customers feel what you say is addressed directly to them, with the proposal to satisfy their specific necessities.

Affinity can be defined as a relationship of harmony, agreement and common feeling, which creates a connexion and mutual confidence in the persons involved.

It will be unlikely that you will conclude a sale without establishing this relationship.

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If you communicate with the customer using perceptive intelligence, you will conquer him more quickly, will gain his confidence, and communication will be more effective, having a better sale.

When perceptive prevalent intelligence in your customer is understood, you can make quicker the sales process.

Moving the attention from product to the customer, he who sells can then lead communication with professionality, develop confidence and reinforce lasting dealings with the customers thanks to a better knowledge of  their manner of thinking, choosing and evaluating.

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Strategy – study of answering to conflict has induced to broaden the view of possible alternatives.

It is necessary to keep in mind the needs and the values of the interlocutors from the psychological point of view, to conduct a negotiation in the best way.

Values explain the “reason” of behaviours of people and establish the priority in the choices and decisions. During the presentation,  the solutions which integrate che results expected by the parties in conflict will be examined.

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