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All our dreams can become real if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney
Immagine di un giovane coppia

In this section you can find some books on these topics: a guide to the cross cultural communication, the cross cultural and religious prejudice, the dialogue with other cultures and civilizations.

The barriers of prejudice. How you can recognize and overcome them. (free of charge)
In the project of dialogue between cultures and civilizations, it is a necessity to overcome the hindrance of the prejudice which freezes the dealings. As people can check the advancing of the prejudiceand the most disastrous consequences regarding the integration of groups in the social network. As people can aid the European integration through a cultural action focused on overcoming prejudice.
Problems / Reasons
It is necessary to conciliate the identity –spirit connected to the needs of sense of identity with the global requirements and requests.
Solutions / Contributions
The consciousness of our historical – cultural identity founds a constructive dialogue established on an equal and mutual relationship.
Ideological barriers and democracy. (free of charge)
To avoid involuntary conflicts due to cultural divergences.
Problems / Reasons
Ideological barriers originate a “distorting filter” similar to coloured lens through which one filters reality, altering natural, real colours.
Solutions / Contributions
To liberate from “distorting filters” of rigid theories means to eliminate the barriers, the blinkers, the limiting obstacles. This book represents the continuation of some themes which have emerged in the previous.
Being European without barriers. (free of charge)
The subjects presented in this book are inspired by a thought to set up a new culture which safeguards the European identity, even if in the context of cross – culture and religion.
Problems / Reasons
Immagine di un giovane coppia
The unity and the cohesion of Europe imply the withdrawal of “mental barriers” which divides peoples and nations. A pedagogy concentrated on the identity is aimed to dispel sufferings connected to homologation, homogenization, equalization and uniformity “ at all costs”.
Solutions / Contributions
The relativist idea to the bitter end, according to which cultures and religions are all equal and one is the same as another does not consider the evolutive level reached by each as regards to the valorization of every individual, of human rights, etc....The dogmatic and arrogant relativism, instead of tolerating, is bringing a disintegration of our identity consciousness and is devastating our common roots, preparing the ground for roots of “strong identity”.
The dialogue with other cultures and civilizations, overcoming the barriers of prejudice, constitutes the privileged ground to tackle personal hardships both from the individual point of view and in the system where the individuals are located. By choosing the relationships and the social reality like a field of intervention, a manner to approach the relationships and the inter–personal communication is proposed.

This manner finds with the reader the most direct way to overcome the individual or professional hindrances.

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