
How i work

The language used is comprehensible to the non-experts regarding the study on the communication and linguistic-cultural training: chart and company management and researchers and technicians that work in the cross cultural context and all the men and women who are committed in the dialogue, that takes an interest in peace and international détente in the interrelation with people.

Immagine di giovane ragazze

Thanks to the knowledge you will obtain, you will be able to:

  • Enter a cross-cultural perspective in terms of plurality of approach to problems and possible solutions.
  • Acquire the knowledge of cultural metaphors in order to understand and compare various world cultures.
  • Discover a way of communicating in syntony with others, founded on the parity and reciprocity.
  • Uncover the means to recognize and wipe out the prejudices of any nature by the reframing.
  • Become competent in giving effective feedback to generate changing, learning and growing up.
  • Know the human communication pragmatics in a cross cultural dimension: twenty communicative and relational movements which regulate the manner to face conflicts, control of the aggression and expression of feelings.
  • Immagine di un giovane coppia
    Train in the use of a cross cultural language, that is a language which goes beyond the culture and the cultural identity of the individual. This language is focused on the structure which determines where people pay attention, their manner of establishing a sense of meaning from the experiences and the following directions. Metaprogrammes give the foundation on which one decides what is interesting or boring, a potential benefit or a potential threat. In order to communicate with a computer, you need to understand the software; in order to communicate effectively with a person, you need to understand the metaprogrammes.

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L’obiettivo formativo di questo corso,
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Si tratta di una