
serviCES & programS

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt

The Coach is he who helps his clients to build the future they desire and to arouse in them the requisite resources in order that the future becomes reality, in various areas of life: personal, professional and relational.

The term “coach” in English, means railway carriage; in fact the phrase to travel by coach  means to travel in a confortable carriage equipped for longer journeys by train or by bus.

Immagine di un giovane coppia

A “coach” is literally a means which take a person or a  group from a departure place to the arrival place.

The coach is therefore a means which aids he  who requires his support to look into the conditions which he desires to modify (place of departure) and elaborate a project on this basis.

Immagine di un giovane coppia

But, the client is responsible for the direct carrying out of a journey plan. The coach supplies outlining and monitoring objectives, in elaborating the requested proposals of changing strategies; besides, he provides assistance with his presence in the stall – moments and contributes to the possible review, partial or total of the guidelines.

The coach knows us and inspires us. He leaves with us for a journey through the unexplored places of our personal mission. He puts us in contact with our most deep beliefs, revealing their most powerful influence on our capabilities to decide in our life.

The coach brings to light forgotten talents and uncovered aptitudes. If you doubt your capacity or you are sure not to have it, the coach shows it is unknown to you and must only be to uncovered, developed and reinforced eliminating what has hildden it.

The coach or private tutor behaves with the client as an instructor or trainer in sport behaving with an athlete in the high jump: he raises every day the bar by centimetre.

The coach takes you to perceive by intuition your best point and pursues it with you, till you reach it. He takes you by the hand and points out the direction you already know closely: which is “right”.

The coach reminds you, your actions have meaning, only if you have passion. Only living your values and finding your identity, you will be able to leave for the amazing and astonishing journey towards the goals you have established and love.

Immagine di un giovane coppia

In the greek  mythology, the goddess Athene assumes the features of Mentor to give suggestions and protect Telemachus, son of Ulysses, while the father was on a never- ending journey.

This is why the sentence “to be mentor of someone” shows a person that performs the duties of guide and teacher through advices and views.

Disguised as Mentor, the goddess Athene answers Telemachus, eager to find the right words, in the meeting with Nestor: Telemachus, what you say, comes partly from the heart, and partly guided by the Gods (…)

(Homer, Odyssey, book III, translated by Hippolytus Pindemonte).

Immagine di un giovane coppia
Likewise the coach acts as mentor to the client pointing out the wisdom, he already has in himself, “in his heart”, guiding him to overcome his resistence and interference and to reveal that wisdom. Besides, he stimulates him to become mentor of himself, so keeping an ispiration, creativity and a model to refer to always continuously.

Founded in the 80’s in the U.S.A., the coaching is today spread and well known worldwide and utilized by thousands of companies, sportmen, professional men and women and common people as a valid aid in the moments of “challenge and personal growth”.

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I help people to uncover their limiting beliefs and to develop potentiating beliefs, I support their identity and aid their “awakening”, I prepare them to outline goals and to do their utmost to reach them.

The cases presented testify the courage in the difficulties and in facing the challenges of life. The resources (values, skills, behavioural competence, activities etcetera) which people draw from themselves, help them to push forward to the territory of a new life, they grow and evolve. Thus, they show they are able to tackle the complexity, the uncertainty and the resistence.

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